One of the great thingsabout Louisville, KY is ethnic and cultural diversity. Being something of a hub for the nation in alot of ways, Louisville has attracted people from all over. Probably a good 40%or more of this city’s population are transplants from elsewhere. And whetheryou consider this part of the country Midwest or Southeast, the cost of livingis lower than the national average, and as a result entertainment and diningexperiences have flourished here. Combine that with the wide range of ethnicand cultural variations we have, and you get some truly unique experiences herein Louisville, KY.
Sari Sari is justsuch an experience. Nestled in the hipster, UofL to The Highlands, trendy areaof Louisville proper known as Crescent Hill, this hole-in-the-wall, store-front Filipino restaurant onFrankfort Avenue is a testament to the continued success of small, ethnicentrepreneurs here. This visit for review was actually my second time to SariSari as I try to learn more about Filipino food before my impending nuptials toCherilyn; my fiance’ who lives Southwest of Manila. Being already slightlyfamiliar with the menu at Sari Sari, I was determined to try something I havenot eaten before.
For this trip, notonly was I accompanied by the usual suspect Ken, but we were also joined by our friend Parker and his wife Emily.
I started my mealwith a plate of Lumpia, The Philippines answer to eggrolls. Piping hot andspicy, these crisp veggie filled appetizers are a real delight, especially whendipped in the vinegary sweet sauce that accompanies them. Parker and Emily alsoenjoyed the Lumpia and were equally impressed with the crisp vegetables and sauce.Ken opted for the Calamari, of which he is something of a connoisseur. I haveseen him eat more Calamari than any other appetizer in all the years we havebeen dining out together. For Ken the Calamari fell a little short of thecrispness he requires, but he was very appreciative of the full taste.
For the entrée, Ichose a dish that Cherilyn claims is made best by her mother. I’m lookingforward to trying her mom’s version now that I have Sari Sari’s Pancit Cantonwith Pork to which I can compare. Pancit is essentially the Filipino version ofspaghetti. Which is really an unfair comparison, as fried Pancit noodles havesuch an unique texture and flavor unto themselves. Served with fresh, steamedvegetables, jasmine rice and freshly sliced limes, and then topped withhealthy, succulent slices of tender pork, the Pancit Canton was truly a heartymeal.
Parker and Emilydecided to share an order of Mung Bean Soup, and a plate of the National Dish ofThe Philippines; Adobo. If I remember correctly, they went with Chicken Adoboas opposed to Pork Adobo. Quite frankly, once I started eating my Pancit, Iforgot to keep notes on my phone I was so mesmerized by my meal. But, awarning, Mung Bean is not for everyone. If you like the idea of a Black-EyedPea with a sweet taste, then Mung is for you, otherwise, you may want toconsider other options. Parker and Emily both praised the vinegary Adobo and itsspiciness.
I would love totell you what Ken ate. But somewhere after about 5 bites of my Pancit Canton, Iquit being a reviewer and just a well fed customer. I can tell you there weregrunts of approval from his side of the table. And we have both agreed that Sari Sari is definitely on our “Go To withsome Regularity” list. That’s how good it is.
Much to theamazement of my stuffed compatriots, I also ordered dessert. I am one of thosepeople who can not avoid dessert if Flan is on the menu. And the Flan at SariSari is among the very best in the world: creamy and sweet, it is a realdelight. When you go, you have to have the flan. Period.
Overall, it was yetanother superb dining experience a Sari Sari, one that I would heartilyrecommend to anyone living in the Louisville area, or if you are visiting fromout of town. The service is also superb. Entrée’s range in price from $8 to$14, with appetizers and desserts in the $4 to $7 range. Authentic Filipinocuisine at an affordable price makes Sari Sari a great place for Family andFriends, in a cozy, diverse setting in the heart of Louisville.
Located at 2339Frankfort Ave in Louisville, Sari Sari does not have a web-site, but you canperuse their menu at Yelp.com here: http://www.yelp.com/menu/sari-sari-louisville
Wolf’s Rating: * * * * ½
Parker & Emily’sRating: * * * * ½
Ken’s Rating: * * * *
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