7 Temmuz 2012 Cumartesi

Pizza, Pizza Everywhere--Part I

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Pizza is undoubtedly one of America's favorite 'fast foods'. Reportedly, it is THE favorite frozen food of Americans, accounting for two of every American family's weekday meals.

The Shoals is no stranger to pizzerias, having numerous favorites. Shoals' residents could eat pizza from a different establishment each night of the week and still not sample all available vendors. This series of critiques will attempt to shed light on some of the better pizza purveyors available in the Shoals. If your favorite establishment isn't mentioned, it has yet, perhaps, to be visited.

The first subject in this series also happens to be one of the newest: The Barge Inn. The Barge Inn is located inside the confines of the Florence Harbor and offers its spin on Italian cuisine. While difficult to spot from the highway due to lack of adequate advertising, it is well worth the effort required to seek it out. Having opened earlier this year, The Barge Inn has quickly, and quietly (a little aggressive advertising would help, guys!), become a favorite among area residents looking for a restaurant.offering a dining experience near the water. Diners can choose to eat inside, in air conditioned comfort, or, as I prefer, eat outside on the deck.

While not specializing in pizzas, per se, The Barge Inn is making a name for itself in this regard, offering several sizes, crusts and combinations of toppings. Topping offerings include: Italian sausage, ground beef, cheese, pepperoni, green peppers, sweet banana peppers, onions, black olives and mushrooms. While these offerings may seem meager by some standards, it is in their execution on a pizza that is the defining factor. To date, each pizza consumed by this writer has been of the highest quality, excelling in flavor and eye appeal.

Some readers have lamented the closing of The Pizza Marina. It would
appear, to this writer at least, that a worthy replacement has made its debut.

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