3 Ocak 2013 Perşembe

Sticky Situations -- Win with Wet Ones

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How do you deal with life's "sticky situations?"  My best tips...  First of all, keep calm!  Life is too short to freak out over a sticky, or messy situation.  My other tip, is to totally hoard cleaning supplies!  Haha...I'm half joking and half totally serious.  That aisle is actually my favorite in stores.  I love to browse and see what's new.  Next, use Google and Pinterest to your advantage!  They can teach you how to clean ANYthing...if you just stay calm enough to look. 

I have two young children, a cat, a dog, and a husband.  We have had our fair share of messes in this house.  Like, letting the dog in and asking her to sit so I can wipe her paws since it was raining, but she was so excited to see a visitor that she ran ALL over the house instead!  Muddy paw prints all over the carpet!  A little dish soap and warm water took care of that.  I just had to remain calm. That's usually my biggest obstacle. 

When my youngest was about 3, she somehow got ahold of a permanent marker and scribbled all over the wall and the back of her bedroom door.  She barely got any on herself, but boy did she do a number there on the wall and door!  I never did quite get it all out, no matter how much I scrubbed.  But it was something that I had to snicker at everytime I happened to see it, and it's not like I saw it that often...we keep our doors open most of the time in the house, so it was hidden 99% of the time.  You have to keep a sense of humor or you'll go nuts!

Speaking of nuts...  Just today, I was baking and trying to find something in the pantry when a bag of almonds fell off the shelf.  I tried to catch it but almonds went flying everywhere (I actually made it worse trying to catch the bag!).  I had to laugh because my husband came in to see what the commotion was and just started eating them off the floor.  He said he was helping!  Ha!  Sweetie, that's what the dog does, not you!! :)  (Though, I don't think the dog would be too interested in almonds...)

Wet Ones wants to hear YOUR Sticky Situations.  Your tips and tricks and encouragement for how to deal with them.  They're having a Facebook Contest and want you to enter!  You can log on, share your tips and stories, and then you're entered to win an iPad Mini, or tickets to Six Flags!  I just entered, and if you'd like to as well, just click this link:


Oh, and I totally keep Wet Ones in the car because you just never know! They have saved me from sticky kids more times than I can count.

*I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for Wet Ones. I received a promotional item to thank me for participating.”

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